This ladybird book first published in 1961 is a charming idyllic snapshot of family life in the 1960's.
"The large clear script, careful choice of words and frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures enable children almost to teach themselves to read" (taken from the opening page)
"The subject of the book is one that will greatly appeal to children" (mmmm, not so sure about that!)
It certainly wouldn't work today would it?
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into the past!
Lovely nostalgic post! How life has changed..and not always for the better!
Bellaboo :0)
You lucky thing - I collect old ladybird books (ones I had as a child but passed on) and that is one I've not been able to find.
Those pictures are just wonderful :)
Where do you get kids like that from !!?? Probably be taken in to care these days for having Father smoking a pipe he he !
Hi Lizzie
I hope that you are feeling better!
You have picked one of my favourite ladybird books. I remember looking at it when I was a child and decided to copy what the little girl was doing in the book. The book made it look like helping around the house and garden was fun. Somehow that book made me see it differently! I suddenly wanted to do some of these things.
Ah, those were the days...I enjoyed reminiscing!
Take care
Isabelle x
That book is adorable!!! I must admit I should have been a mum then as I do try and do all of these things with my children. My youngest who is three stood on his wooden fire engine last night to help me wash up!! I hope I am doing something right.
Kerry xxxx
I can guarantee you my son would have had nothing to do with polishing anything, haha. But it was sweet to see those illustrations!
Tina xo
Loved the book, that's the kind I learned to read in, then as a teacher I had books that were more interested in social engineering than in teaching reading so all these books were thrown out.
Gosh, I remember that book...I loved the Ladybird books as a child. My favourites were Cinderella and the Princess and the Pea....I would read them over and over again, loving the illustrations.
Julie x
Thank you for your lovely comments. I am still feeling under the weather. This cold is certainly taking time to shake off. Glad everyone enjoyed my nostalgic post.. xx
I love the illustrations in these old books, such care and detail in each picture and they evoke a feeling of family but in a very british stiff upper lip way!
Nicky x
Lovely old book the illustrations are wonderful, if only children were trained like they used to be! There was a dolls house in that nursery and I took some pics for you, I will get around to emailing them, it was a bit far away so could not zoom in that much. Jane xxx
I'm buying the vintage Ladybird books for my 3yr old for when she learns to read. The illustrations are lovely and I think its these that help capture a child's interest - they did mine!
Lizzy is reading all my Ladybird books at bedtime because she can read them to herself and the pictures are so lovely. Timeless classics :-)
Wonderful illustrations. What helpful children we all were then! And what about dad smoking a pipe? Thanks for your tip on Rennes - I'll let you know if its any good.
Ruth x
Thank you for all your lovely comments. I had no idea that so many people shared my nostalgic enthusiasm for these beautiful books! xxx
I am a language teacher in India and right now, all the books that I find here shows modern English with no touch to an era were things were done manually. Could you please scan this book and send me by an email? Most websites which seems to have this series are not willing to post books to India. My email id is mindarchitect@gmail.com. I think if you scan this rare thing, many people will find it useful.
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