I went in search of a "sensible pair of plain black boots that I could wear with anything" and came back with a fabulous funky shiny purple pair of DM's that I will have difficultly matching up with a single thing in my wardrobe!
How does that happen? Funnily enough, it often happens to me if I attempt to go anywhere near the shops.....
One of the main problems with the more conservative trendy designs was the embarrassing fact that most of them were too tight around the calf area. I know I don't have the skinniest legs in the world, but I know for a fact that this isn't the undernourished 1970's any more and people are just a bit bigger than they used to be. (so why make the boots so darn skinny?)
Anyway, here they are in all their purple glory, along with the fabulous bag they came in as a background & the butterfly laundry bag that I also could not resist as it was only £1.99.
I did want to add the Youtube clip of Alexie Sayle singing the Dr Marten Boots song, but having a few technical problems as per usual, so here is the link
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Dhg_QIyMxZw if there are any Young Ones fans out there!
Liz, I share your anguish about boots, not being at all sylph-like myself! I've found Evans and Ebay to be good sources for wider-fit boots. There's also Duo Boots in Bath (www.duoboots.com), if you want to spoil yourself (and you're not a veggie!). I have to say I love those DMs - who wants to be conservative anyway?!
thanks Liz, helpful information that i will store away for next time I want a treat..... I think I have spent enough today! (notice I didn't put the price.. tee hee)
lizzie x
They are COOL though! I like!!! Forget that the others were too skinny and concentrate on pulling these off because they really are lovely. They would look great with leggins and an oversized dress over the top..
Lucy xx
Thanx lucy, I agree! I am already planning the look & certainly not regretting my purchase (as she stomps around the house coz they are soooooo comfortable & warm too)
Lizzie x
They are great!
Sienna Miller, would love them ,too!
Very boho Chic!
Debbie Moss
thanks Debbie for your comment, just had a peek at your blog. Lovely.. soooo pretty too!
Now to decide if I should wear the new boots to the flea market tomorrow,,,, ah, decisions, decisions...
Lizzie x
Hi Liz,
I would say 'very you' - purple or not - I'm sure they'll go with everything!
I always wanted to buy my girls the flowery DM's when they were little, but they would never let me! Can't think why - I thought they were very cool!
I've just bought myself some new boots, but have gone for boring brown - even though purple is one of my favourite colours! I shall have to come shopping with you next time!
Good luck tomorrow - hand brake off I hope! ;-))
Niki x
those boots are just the best I never get boots to go around my chubby little calves, wellies yes, boots no, could I wear welly boots with tights and lipstick so you think!!!!!
Hi Lizzie, what a great colour the boots are. I have a pair of DM's and they are dark green suede and very very old (but loved). When ever I wear them my hubby thinks I look like a cross between Max Wall & a leprechaun!
Keep warm and well shod.
Thanks for your comments.. if anyone does fancy a treat the shop that sells DMs is in Street (Somerset) & such lovely people work there.. they tell me the new line in flowery DM's is coming in this Spring!.. there is also a FAB DM website which is worth a peek!
lizzie x
Hi Liz
Quick question, are you doing Shepton Flea on the 22nd of Feb? I was thinking of trying to get a stall there.
Hi Liz
So, if the shop's in Street how have I missed it? Let me know if you're going again - will meet you! Anywhere that sells boots to fit legs not in their first flush of skinny youth is a must for me!!!
Hope yesterday was a success - and that you wore purple!
Sue xx
Hi Liz
sadly, not able to do the Flea on Feb 22nd as it clashes with the vintage fair in Bath & Exeter! I am doing Bath & the WW menfolk are doing Exeter!
Lizzie xx
Love them honey, they are sooo you!
I had a pair of black Ugg boots for Christmas and find it very hard to take them off.
Just popping back to let you know that you are so on trend darling! I read a whole piece in Grazia last night about how Dr Martens are back in. What a trend setter you are :-)
Thanks Donna.... I love my boots, in fact wearing them as I type!
Have you seen the DM website? its brilliant!
lizzie x
Purple boots ! Magnificent find.
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