Saturday saw us sitting in the van outside the Cheese and Grain in Frome with a flask of coffee at 6.30 am, these guys were sound asleep in their tour bus next to us. I would have loved to have seen them play the evening before, but I think a late night bopping away to a reggae band might not have helped us cope with the organisation of the long awaited
Vintage Bazaar......

Once we had got into the building and allocated the stalls, we opened the doors to the enthusiastic stall holders. I played a few lively
White Mink tracks to get the atmosphere going.. we had a few problems with the music, but a combination of my son's old stereo and Mike's clever arrangement with his iplayer and an amp we were in business!

Soon everyone was in place and the doors opened on the dot of 9 to allow the first wave of customers into the building. These are a small sample of the stalls on offer.

What I don't have are the images of the rails of fabulous clothing from the 1900's up until the 1960's. It wasn't a date lined event, but we wanted the clothing to be Antique and Vintage, and boy did the stall holders provide an amazing selection.... there were silk dressing gowns, 30's lame jackets, soft velvet 40's evening cloaks, faux fur 40's jackets (my mum snaffled that one!) and much, much more.

Of course Clare and I need to say a lot of Thank You's for the combined efforts and energies that made for a buzzing and spectacular day.

The team at the Cheese and Grain provide an excellent service, and were happy to accommodate every request. Nothing was any trouble.

Of course we couldn't have done it without Mr W and Mr Darling, and Clare's mum........ and all the friends who have supported us and assisted with spreading the word about the Bazaar.
Edwin stepped in to assist on the desk in the morning, a much needed pair of hands to meet and greet the throngs as they came through the door... thank you to all 1145 of you and hope to see you next time on Saturday the 30th of April 2011.

This was one of the star stands of the day, Debbie's amazing Gardenalia stall. This was Debbie's first ever fair and she certainly put on a spectacular show, next stop The Country Living Fair eh?
it was an incredible day, and a true reflection of the commitment you put in- everyone seemed so HAPPY!
The previous week I'd gone into Boscombe (Bournemouth) to see the vintage fair under canvas, staged as part of the "Boscombe Regeneration Programme" and supported by the council. It was well run with lovely stallholders, but none of the fantastic atmosphere you created in Frome.
Bet you're exhausted!
Mamma mia, how wonderful!
I wanted to be there too, then.
Because here in Italy are not fair
so beautiful!?
A hug Susy
can't wait for the next one!
So glad you had a good day, it all looks wonderful.
Aw Liz, so pleased to hear all went so very well (I knew it would though, there was no doubt about that). Glad you all had such a happy day. x
Thank you for your lovely comments! Lizzie x
What a fabulous fair it was! So many stalls I didn't know where to start and a wonderful atmosphere to boot. I've put some of my photos from the day over on my blog if you fancy having a peek! Katie x
Dear Lizzie
It's lovely to read your account of Saturday. My head is still buzzing with the beauty of it all and I'm so VERY inspired to rearrange and prettify my house even more since the Bazaar!
Of course you are very welcome to borrow my photos any time :-)
Can't wait for April !!!!!!!
Denise x
I love the photos! so many wonderful things!
thanks Pan. Have tried to leave a comment on your blog, but there is a security problem. "Phishing site" warning comes up. Lizzie x
Fantastic!!!!!!! well done you what a turn out .
I am really pleased as my goodness you put in the effort xxxxLinda
Hi Lizzie,
I really had a great busy day, with no time to have a proper look at the other stalls. The atmosphere was amazing and everybody semmed to enjoy it.
Many, many thanks! Can't wait for April next year.
Looking forward to seeing you at the V&H.
Love, Gertie
Thanks Gerte, so pleased that you had an enjoyable day. I am really looking forward to the V&HM now! xx
It looks wonderful I so wish I could have been there. All the stands look fabulous.
Jo xx
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