The Washerwoman

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Proud mum moment......(it is allowed!)

I have always had strict instructions not to include my family in this blog (or join Facebook for that matter)... but, I did get permission from youngest boy to post this cutting from the local paper about his recent community project. We knew nothing of this until it was almost done. Well done Dude!


Vintage to Victorian said...

I'm glad you got permission first Liz! I dread to think of the outcome otherwise!!! Well done G.

Sue xx

Floss said...

That's brilliant! Hope everyone involved is proud.

Midsummer Stitches said...

I would be very proud too, brilliant!

The fabric of my life said...

Ahhh proud mummy. The boy done good! I see you have broken the second rule too hahaha!

BusyLizzie said...

thank you for your comments, and yes, I had to break the 2nd rule in order to sort out the problem in the previous post.. although it has been to no avail to date!!!!
Lizzie x

The fabric of my life said...

Twitter? I know she's on there!