The Washerwoman

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Jam and Jerusalem

Last night was the annual auction sale of Harvest produce in the church. As usual the local school had provided most of the food, and there was a superb selection of fresh fruit, vegetables, chutneys and jam.
The church was decorated with flowers and these sheaves of corn, it is a beautiful old building and it looked lovely.
Soon we were gathered together at one end and the bidding started. There was hot competition for the massive beetroots and the gooseberry jam (one of my favourites). Mr W and I came home with a huge box of goodies including a whopping great marrow. I can see a lot of vegetarian cooking happening over the next few days.....
The auctioneer & his wife who hosted a fun evening, and raised about £300 for Water Aid.

Well done Dick and Helen!


The fabric of my life said...

What a lovely tradition. I am very impressed that they grow peaches and nectarines in your village though ;-)

OhSoVintage said...

Thanks for the info about the antiques fair on the 20th Oct. I shall definitely go and look out for your friend. I remember attending so may Harvest Festivals as a child. Did you sing' We Plough the Fields & Scatter'?! Do you ever notice the word verifications that come up on blogs. The one on yours now is chicisms - I think that should be a word!

Josephine Tale Peddler said...

What a beautiful church! My mouth is watering at the thought of all those lovely goodies. My daughter would have bid (If she could) for jam! xx

Niki Fretwell said...

Hi Liz,
Enjoy all those nourishing meals this week, healthy lady!

Have a lovely weekend,
Niki x