I recently purchased this gorgeous jacket & at first believed it to date from the 1940's. Imagine my surprise to find a handwritten note in the pocket which gave a lovely insight into the previous owner. Here are a few lines from the note.
"This Irish tweed Hebe sports jacket was bought in a "posh" small shop in Keynsham on the Bristol to Bath road in about 1952. I liked it because it reminded me of a field of buttercups & daisies!!! (But I was young and silly then!)
I saw many of these suits in Bath, but few in Bristol, but i have heard that the money is made in Bristol and spent in Bath!"

However, this dress (shown below) does date from the 1940's as it has a Utility label and came with its very own "make do & mend" wartime brooch made from plastic covered wire. It came complete in the bag (above) with its price label & shop bill. The mystery is why it remained in the bag for over 60 years and was obviously never worn.
Hi Liz,
How lovely that this little jacket really does tell a story. Love the buttercups and daisies description - ladies were so romantic back then!
As you know, I am a regular shopper in Keynsham - I'm sure one of the 'fashion' shops there probably dates back to at least the 50's - their buyer obviously hasn't changed in that time, if you get my drift! ha!
(More green??!! ;-))
Niki x
How wonderful to find that note.
The dress is divine.
It's so intriguing isn't it? I once bought a suitcase that was filled with wonderful silk stockings still in their original boxes - some were Dior & none of them had ever been opened or worn - I too wondered why?
How amazing to find the hand written note in the pocket of that lovely jacket!!
Love the bit about Bristol and Bath! ;-)
Thank you for your comments. The dress is certainly gorgeous (and green!) but sadly does not fit me.. grrrr.
I love the little jacket it might fit my one arm with a squeeze!!! the story along with it is delightful, buttercups and daisies how sweet is that!.
What an utterly charming note and such a treasure to find after all those years..
I love these kind of glimpses in to the past.. just an old fashioned gal at heart!
Michele xx
Ooooh you do find the loveliest of things Lizzie. I look forward to seeing you at Ilminster :-)
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