From left to right Donna of
Sue from
and me... no website address as I am the mad one who prefers to drive all over the country selling my textiles, costume & other fripperies... talking of which.....
The fair is open from 10 am to 4 pm Admission £2.00/£1.00 conc.
If that isn't enough excitement for one day, on Sunday I will being selling at The Vintage fashion Fair in Cardiff City Hall, CF10 3ND. fair opens at 10 am (9.30 trade). See the Blind Lemon Vintage website for further details.
Hi Lizzie - LOVELY to see you too and all the was a great fair and I had such a good time...could have spent a fortune.
(Ha! Looking at my hair in your photo...perhaps I should tone down the colour?!! Last time I saw Bronia, she mentioned something about 'menopausal-red' and 'women of a certain age'...teehee! Looks like I may be hitting that bracket!)
Good luck at Oxford - I'm sure they'll lap up those beautiful shoes of yours.
Take care,
Niki x
Ahhh it was a great day. A real tonic for a flu-ridden girl!
I would love to eventually make one of these vintage textile fairs I would need a very deep pocket full of pennies though..!! You must eat a lot of porridge to keep your energy level so high to cope with all this rushing around the countryside selling your wonderful things.
hope Oxford is good for you...
Looks like a fine time was had by all! ;-)
Great to see you Liz, hope it was a good day. Such a shame you couldn't escape to join us for lunch.
Good luck in Oxford, Cardiff and the rest. How you keep going beats me!!!!
Sue x
I am convinced that you have found the secret to eternal youth Liz.. how do you do all this rushing around and always have a lovely cheery smile to offer...Not a baggy eye in sight!
Lovely to see Niki.. Sue and Donna.. any yourself altogether. I would love to have joined you ...
P.s Hope the weekend is good for you at the fairs..
Thanks girls for all your comments, it really was a brilliant day & the town looked very festive with the twinkly lights when I left at 5 o clock.
Have a great weekend everybody.. lizzie xx
Hello Lizzie Sorry I didnt respond to your comment on the last post. I cant remember what the dress looked like now! I think I saw so much there that its all become a blur now. I think it was a sort of checky sort of patern and plain in pale blue with possibly red??? Not much help really, could you do a pick of all your dolls dresses on your next post? Good luck at your next fair. I can vouch for you having a lovely stand! love jane xx
Hi Jane
Yes, it was checked! I was planning to send it to you & we could do a "bloggers swap" (ie no money changing hands!)
What do you think?
Hi Lizzie -
that's my daughter there!
So THAT'S what she got up to while I was in America.
Lovely pic, lovely blog.
Hope to see you again soon.
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