Now is the time to catch up with sharing a few of the many super fairs I have attended over the past few weeks. Sunday the 24th of June was another early start in order to drive to Basingstoke for the Vintage event at Milestones Museum. I knew a little about the museum, but just couldn't image what it would be like inside the enormous hanger where it is housed. Above is the view that greeted us.. the entrance foyer looks over the rooftops of what appears to be a small town!
What bliss to set up the stand in the "street" with no fear of wind or rain....... Sally had placed us outside the Hardware shop. I cannot think why she thought we would be in the perfect place!!
Sorry if some of the photos are a little gloomy, it was lit in an
authentic way which really made for a great atmosphere.
Trade was brisk throughout the morning. This glamorous customer agreed to have her photograph taken whilst trying on my hats.....
Above is the view towards the Victorian and Edwardian area, below is the other end of the museum.. 1930's land!
There was plenty going on all day, these guys singing barbershop were fantastic. There was music and dancing throughout the day.

This is one of the exhibits which always causes a laugh. In a small courtyard area there is a door which you can open... to reveal this chap!!!
These gals were constantly changing their look through the day......
Lastly, my favourite shop! If you get the chance to visit the museum it is great fun, and there are lots of informative features suitable for young and old!
What fun. It reminds me of Alex Jordan's House on the Rock in Illinois. They also had a days gone by area and was always a lot of fun to walk through. thanks for sharing.
Thank you Sea Witch, I remember when I visited the US, there were some great museums with a very similar feel to this one! Lizzie
What a wonderful setting - looks amazing!
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger
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