I love old books, and my favourites have to be the ones with surreal and often rather disturbing pictures. This crazy selection come from a tome called "Family Care, in sickness and in health" which was published in 1963.
It covers everything from an A to Z of childrens ailments, common medical problems, personal hygeine, mental health, toilet training to care of the elderly. Not only is the text a fascinating insight into life almost 50 years ago, but the photographs are real gems!

" A cautionary word about plastic bags!

"Every mother needs a firm adjustable brassiere...... and many like to have a well made corset."

this sensible looking boy doing his homework looks more like a child from the 40's, rather than a child of the 60's. I find this an interesting snapshot of how little childrens clothing changed in the 20 years following the 2nd World war.

"Young children soon develop an insatiable curiosity, and directly one's back is turned have their fingers into everything."
Above shows the dangers in the kitchen with the sensible advice that "Saucepan handles should be turned inwards so that children cannot pull boiling food over themselves" (I just want that kitchen!!)

"Children should not be allowed to use sharp knives as they invariably cut themselves"

"Children should be trained to wash their hands" Once again the image used looks more 1930's or 40's than 1960's.

"Old people can exercise gently in rocking chairs". This lady appears to be living in a room from the Victorian period...
"Sometimes a Granny lives quite happily with her family" (the use of the word "sometimes" is an interesting choice....)

Not only does the book cover childhood, there is also a chapter on the older generation, this old chap playing the piano makes me smile...and the caption says that "old peoples homes have improved a lot in recent years"

"Bowls is an ideal sport for older men".... what about the women???
love that old bloke with his trousers up to his chest on the bowling green
Happy New Year Darling
ps can you let me have some fair dates so we don't clash xxxLinda
Very sensible advice and what a lovely snapshot of our social history. Happy New Year
Hi Lizzie
Nice apres Christmas post, I collect old toy buckets like the chap is holding, maybe I will post pics of them on a dismal day! I also collect old maps and atlases, its amazing to see how the World changes.
I hope you do well at Bath, hopefully I will see you on the 9th, I am checking it out with a few to start "doing"! (sorry we!)
My, how the world has changed! Really enjoyed that trip into another time/s.
Happy New Year x
Oh my...squeezing into those corsets!!
(I did not have corsets you understand...but more snazzy suspender belts!! )
Happy New Year! ;-)
I didn't realise those pullovers were still being worn by boys in the 60s. I know all my peers wore them in school in the 50s - I was immediately transported back to an image of Brian Lockwood, Brian Taylor, Martin Rickard and Frank Parsons who all wore them - as did the other 20 or so boys in my class!!!!!
Happy days!
Sue x
HaHa great post, made me smile that gentle rocking exercise in the rocking chair will cover my new years resolution for more exercise then? Happy New Year!
Thank you everyone for your comments, I had been wanting to blog this booke for months & finally found the time over the Xmas break. Happy New Year to everyone, lotsa love, lizzie xxxx
Brilliant post - in need of that corset right now!
Very amusing post! That picture of the boy and the knife....ouch!
Have started collecting old books and mags too...they do give a wonderful insight into the period.
Lizzie these are just great (and disturbing!) I love the little ones washing their hands what a great picture!
Great post. Books like this are fascinating and I enjoyed your sharing this with us. I'm not so sure about the way the pianist is leering at the woman in the old people's home though! Happy New Year to you.
Ruth x
Happy New Year. I loved this post thanks for the smile it gave me. x
thanks you Rosie, glad it made you smile too!!!
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