The Washerwoman

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Love Vintage Fair, Wenvoe, Wales.

Yesterday I braved the wind and the rain to cross the bridge over to Wales for the first Love Vintage fair in Wenvoe (near Cardiff). The event took place in a charming village hall, that may have been the village school in a former life? I loved the wooden panelling in the main room which was painted a rather brave shade of blue! It made a great back drop to the stalls of eye-catching goods
Above is a rather jumbled view of my stall (as I wasn't quite set up!)

Samantha's stall with pretty linens and some very funky handmade rings, key rings etc

Above is Claire's stand, it doesn't do justice to her unique handmade jewellery & pretty display. She sells under the name of Random Vintage (

These ladies knew how to set out their stall of fantastic kitchenware to full advantage, even the jelly was real!

Their attention to detail put my efforts to shame! They are "Nest", Shirley & Anna.

This basket of treasures was on Nadine's stall. As well as china, glassware, pictures & prints there were also several rails of Vintage clothing on sale at the fair. I will add the details of the stalls when I unpack the car & locate the rest of the business cards that I gathered.....

The tearoom area looked so pretty with vintage cloths & a fab selection of homemade cakes.

This is Maggie's stall at the start of the fair, there was hardly anything left by the end of the afternoon! Thank you both for organising a lovely fair & we await the date of the next one.......


Vintage to Victorian said...

Hi Liz

It all looks lovely. Glad you managed to get there and back safely!

Sue x

Floss said...

Oh, WHY do I live in France? OK, I know why, but still...

Thanks for those great pictures.

Sal said...

It looks a wonderful fair! Hope you did well!

BusyLizzie said...

thanks you for your comments, it was a gorgeous day (despite the mucky 'orrid weather) lizzie x

PS Floss you live in France coz its wonderful there!

Lois said...

Lovely vintage goodies, but wow! Those cakes look delicious! x

Anonymous said...

So many lovely goodies there! you were indeed brave, the weather has been so terrible! But mere bad weather cant hold back a vintage girl!

Callies Cottage said...

Lovely fair!!Will you be doing another one??
Warm Wishes,
Cally x

Don't get mad get even said...

Hello there, I wonder if you could help?
I am working on behalf of the Upton Jazz 2012 and this year we are having a Vintage section. We are looking for stall holders to sell vintage, craft etc on Sat 23rd June 12. Would you be happy to chat?
Many thanks

Don't get mad get even said...

Hello there, I wonder if you could help?
I am working on behalf of the Upton Jazz 2012 and this year we are having a Vintage section. We are looking for stall holders to sell vintage, craft etc on Sat 23rd June 12. Would you be happy to chat?
Many thanks

BusyLizzie said...

Hi Dont get mad, get even.. I have tried to work out how to reply.. but cannot do so. sadly I am already busy that day. Hope it goes well. Lizzie