Today I had great fun at an auction, and a bit of a "dolls house fix"....... The above is an amazing back opening house with a really unusual Lithographed front. I have no idea who made it, but there are a few clues to assist my investigations, It has the letters "CB" and the date 1892. There is also a charming sign above the front door which reads "Dolly's Villa number 1".....

Next is a little house to keep "Bijou" company (see earlier post!) It dates from early in the 20th century and was made in Germany.

and lastly.. a selection of other goodies which I purchased.... some of which I will have to keep, but the rest I will be taking to The New Forest Dolls house fair in Lyndhurst on April 5th. Early entry 10 am. See website for details.
Ooohhhh! Love the new villa!
Lucky you to attend a fun auction!
What gorgeous houses! You're very good being able to sell any of them...I'd want to keep them all!
I love the dolly's villa!
The Dolls House Fair sounds fun!
Hope you enjoy it.;-)
How nice, you find some wonderful things!
What fun you must be having playing with these sweet houses!
Hi Liz,
I love Bijou's little friend!
And those rose covered chairs and box that I spotted in the last photo are just fabulous!!!
Good luck at the fair - Lyndhurst is a lovely place I seem to remember from my childhood.
Niki x
Thank you for kind comments. I am having a wonderful weekend sorting through all the goodies from the auction. Of course the hardest thing is deciding what I can keep & what has to go into the box for the fair in Lyndhurst..... at least I have another week to decide!
Have a good weekend everyone. Lizzie x
They're gorgeous ! When I was little there was a sort of Family Doll's House . I "inherited" it from a cousin , then when I'd outgrown it another set of cousins got it ( three girls there , so they had it a while ) then it was littlest cousin's turn . As we're a very large family , we sometimes wonder where it is now !
Love your anagram thingy!
Oh I might have to pop to the fair in Lyndhurst. Am not far away in Winchester x
Love your blog x
Hi Mandy
Do come and say hi if you get to the fair on Sunday!
Lizzie x
Hi Liz
I do love your latest acquisition!
It must be hard not wanting to hang on to all the things that you find at auction. This is an area I need to improve on. I have bought things which I intend to sell when my website is up and running, then have decided to keep them afterall! That's no way to run a business and make profit!
Take care
Isabelle x
Hi Isabelle
Yes, it is VERY hard to part with finds.......
Lizzie x
Love the new little house and all the little goodies, I would have a terrible job parting with any of it.
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