Wednesday, 27 February 2013

The Vintage Bazaar in Devizes

 Big apologies for the lack of posts over the past few weeks. The auction in Bristol has been an all consuming project.

 So, as the last lots from the sale are bagged-up and taken away with their new owners it is time to turn my attention to the other big project, The Vintage Bazaar in Devizes!

 This coming Saturday is an important day for Clare and I as we launch our new event at The Corn Exchange, The Market Place, Devizes,  SN10 1HS

  Doors open at 9.30 and the event will close at 3.30. Admission is £1 for adults (children free)

 We have gathered together our favourite stall holders and invited some new faces along too.

 Full details can be found on the dedicated blog, or on Facebook here.

Look forward to seeing you there!


  1. yay! really excited about this one- see you saturday!

  2. Looking forward to it, have got some new lovelies to bring along for their first outing! See you on Saturday.
    Jo xx

  3. Good luck with the fair, I'm working Saturday so sadly won't be able to come, hope it's a great success!
    Lucy x

  4. Oh how I wish I could attend
    Those pictures are very inviting

    Janice In Missouri USA

  5. Your pictures look very inviting wish I was closer to attend

    Janice in Missouri USA

  6. What a fabulous looking event! I'm so pleased you did well at Shepton too. I wonder why some events are great and others just don't work. I'll bet you know the secret!

  7. Thank you for all your super comments. Still busy sorting and pricing..and deciding which stock to take to Devizes!!! Lizzie x

  8. blissful shots... I love browsing over with you... Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

    PS. this has taken me 8 attempts to leave... because of the moderation thingy you use... might you consider switching it off? I am so rubbish at reading it...

  9. Hi Lizzie..... hooray! loving your pesky verification thingy free comment box.. Love Helen x
