Sunday, 14 October 2012

A Family Collection goes to Auction.

As promised, more from the forthcoming sale at Dreweatts and Bloomsbury Auction House in Bristol which is taking place on Tuesday 6th of November.

These are some of the carefully preserved items of clothing collected by a family in Kent. Children's dresses and shoes as well as wedding outfits and costumes have been lovingly kept for many years.

This unusual slice of Textile History is apparently a Victorian Coffin cover! Heavy dark green velvet embellished and embroidered with a raised design of white lilies to symbolise virtue and restored innocence after death. It comes with a colourful tapestry hanging for a shelf or the mantle piece.

Delicate fans, some in their original boxes would look attractive displayed together in a glass case on a wall....

Beautiful examples of needlework from the tiniest knitted gloves to samplers and silk Christmas cards....

Beaded evening bags from the 19th and 20th well as tiny green purse with cut steel details.

Eclectic collections of small tins, buttons, pin cushions and a miniature leather boot should appeal to collectors of small items... These are the things which make auctions exciting! As well as Costume and textiles there will be other Private Collections of Ceramics and Toys.
The catalogue is now available on-line here.


  1. What a wonderful collection!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  2. Those things look very interesting. The coffin cover look fascinating - I actually know someone who owns a Bakelite Coffin - it would look good on that! LOL!

    It was a great day yesterday wasn't it. Lovely to say hello to you again. There were a few familiar faces, I said hello to Helen, and Sal, and of course Lesley and looking forward to the next one.
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  3. Lovely and these are things I adore collecting as well. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Cant wait for that catalogue. As someone interested in vintage childrens shoes your post has whetted my appetite.

  5. Must view this online! I had a college friend in Canterbury in the 1960s (she still lives in Kent & is quite a famous gardener) and her family had trunks of old clothes, costume etc. She used to dress up in 18th century gowns for parties. Could this be their stuff at long last...?

  6. Lovely items, thank you for sharing these treasures.

  7. Thank you as always for reading my posts and adding your comments. The catalogue is now available on-line. Lizzie x

  8. wow.. now that is something. The shoes so tiny. I can't from here (and don't think I am odd, but maybe I am) but I wanna sniff it all... weird and fascinating things.. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  9. What an amazing collection and how wonderful that it has all been kept in such fabulously good condition. M x

  10. Hello there I have just found your beautiful blog and think it is amazing..... This collection is wonderful...... I will be following ...... Have a happy day;)
