The Washerwoman

Sunday, 11 November 2018

The Christmas Vintage Bazaar, Saturday 17th November

  Our next Vintage Bazaar event is on Saturday 17th November at The Corn Exchange in the centre of Devizes, Wiltshire. 9 am to 3 pm. Admission £2

  You can find a full list of stall holders and event details on The Vintage Bazaar blog - here

 There will be textiles, tiny treasures, vintage Christmas decorations, vintage clothing, linens, quilts and much, much more.....

You can also follow the facebook page here for up to date news on the event.

 Hope to see you there! Lizzie x

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

A special Textile event on Saturday 10th November at Court House Farm, Portishead

 It is a busy time of year for events, but just wanted to spread the word about an exciting new textile event in a fabulous location. Court House Farm in Portishead (near Bristol).

 We will be there selling a selection of linens, dress fabrics, haberdashery, quilts and textiles on Saturday 10th November. The event is open from 10 am to 4 pm. The address is Court House Farm, Church Road South, Portishead. BS20 6PU. Admission £3. Parking in Roath Road car park. Visit the website or Facebook page for further details.

Monday, 8 October 2018

The Vintage Bazaar at The Cheese and Grain, Saturday 27th October

Good morning to all our new followers, and thank you to everyone who came to our event last weekend in Lydeard St Lawrence.

 We will announce the next West Country Textile event here very soon, but in the meantime we are preparing the stock for a very special event...

Beautiful textiles and other treasures will be for sale on our stand at The Vintage Bazaar at The Cheese and Grain in Frome on Saturday 27th October.

  As always there will be a super selection of stands selling Antique Lace, Linens, Haberdashery, Quilts, Vintage Costume, Millinery flowers and much more....

 The event is open from 9 am to 3 pm, with ample parking and disabled access. Admission £2 for adults, with an excellent coffee shop attached to the hall.

Friday, 29 June 2018

Dolls house destash and spring clean!

The dolls house items for sale are now listed on my other blog. Click here to take you to the sales page, many thanks, Lizzie

Thursday, 28 June 2018

The Vintage Bazaar in Frome this Saturday

The van is packed and ready for The Vintage Bazaar at The Cheese and Grain in Frome this Saturday.

  We have textiles galore as well as fabric bundles...

 French café curtains washed and ironed fresh from France

  Beautiful serene Religious figures

as well as trimmings, lace and braid...

The Vintage Bazaar is open from 9 am to 3 pm. Admission £2 for adults

Full details can be found here

Sunday, 22 April 2018

The Vintage Bazaar at The Cheese and Grain in Frome, Somerset.

The Vintage Bazaar at The Cheese and Grain in Frome takes place on Saturday the 28th April. Full details for this special event can be found on the blog

Sunday, 4 March 2018

The Vintage Bazaar at The Corn Exchange in Devizes, Saturday 17th March

It has been a busy few weeks as gathering items for the next Antique and Vintage Textile and Costume Auction at The Bristol Auction Rooms....

 .... as well as finding some lovely fresh stock for the first Vintage Bazaar of the year which will take place on Saturday 17th March. 9am to 3 pm. Admission £2 for adults. Further details can be found on The Vintage Bazaar blogFacebook page or Instagram

 The auction details for the March 21st sale can be found here

Monday, 1 January 2018

The Spring pop-up Textiles, Fabrics and Costume Sale Saturday 10th February 2018

The Washerwoman presents.....

The Spring pop-up Textiles, Fabrics and Costume Sale
Saturday 10th February 2018. 9 am to 2 pm
at Lydeard St Lawrence Village Hall, near Taunton. TA4 3SE

A grand rummage with Antique and Vintage textiles and fabrics including dress fabrics, florals, linens, French toile, upholstery fabrics, haberdashery, trimmings, scrap-bags and buttons, together with a collection of Vintage costume including 1930s and Wartime dresses.

Linen and Cotton bolts of fabric ideal for making cushions

Antique floral textiles including French toile

Gorgeous old block printed Indigo.....

 Free admission and ample parking