This is the view from my kitchen window at 6 am this morning, we woke up to an incredible amount of snow and no electricity! (This was NOT forecast, the official weather weather website said we would be having "light rain"......)
Time to light the woodburner & boil some water for a much needed cuppa...

Later, as it gets light the state of the lane becomes apparent, and all plans for the day are shelved (yet again).... The tracks you can see were made by tractors. A neighbour did attempt to drive along here in a normal vehicle... his abandoned car is just around the corner!

But as always I cannot resist wrapping up warm and stomping outside with the camera. The above view is the front garden. The weight of the snow has brought down a few branches.

The back garden, just love the way the bare branches of the apple tree are coated. All very pretty, but sadly it means we will not be selling at the Vintage fashion fair in Stroud tomorrow. In fact I have just heard that it has been cancelled.
As for the fair in Cardiff on Sunday, only time will tell......
There is also the small problem of food (and drink) supplies as I had intended to do a big shop today. It would appear we have a few random tins of this & that (what can you make with tinned tomatoes, pumpkin seeds and a melon!).... ah aha, whats this a whole bottle of port left over from Christmas... yummy!