At last we have the technology! With the assistance of my son Tim I have finally set up the long awaited (and much discussed) blog. The washerwoman idea started with a set of fun photographs taken by my great mate Mary (of As I buy and sell vintage clothing and textiles, a lot of my time is spent washing, ironing & mending old clothes.I am potty about the designs from the 1930's and 40's, and probably just as enthusiastic about the 1950's, 60's & 70's.... sorry Emma, I still cannot get excited about the 80's yet...
I sell vintage clothing regularly at the wonderful fairs organised by Edwin of but before the Autumn run begins I have the exciting Bath Vintage Fashion and Textiles fair on September 14th to prepare for. See for further details.
As well as buying & selling vintage clothes I also can be found selling at Antiques fairs where my stall can only be described as eclectic. Niki (of has said many a kind word about my displays & efforts!
As you can see, my enthusiasm expands to handknit items, vintage toys, bags, buckles, shoes, hats and a bit of old French enamelware for good measure!

At the moment I am keeping busy planning for the run of forthcoming fairs in the Autumn, the most exciting and original of course being the Handmade and Vintage fair on November 22nd being organised by Jayne and Michele
This looks to be a fantastic event, and it will be great fun meeting up with other bloggers and of course eating cake! Thank you to Jayne and Michele for inviting me to join in the fun!